
Brooks is into “flying” these days. He’s all about this stair railing at the church. He grabs, swings a bit and says “I flying!” Pretty funny stuff.



too Cute : Brooks playing with fav Blanket

here is some cute fun with Brooks. he’s taken a liking to this knit blanket his Aunt Tiffany made for him. it makes for some good play time. Who knew!

so if you are in need of some cuteness factor or a pick-me-up today, this should fit the bill for ya.

Brooks Playing Around with Fav Blanket from Gavin Richardson on Vimeo.

Adventures in Parenting : Why I Know he’s My Son

Adventures in Parenting : How I know this is My Son from Gavin Richardson on Vimeo.

Adventures in Late Night Parenting

So me & the boy are up late.. How does one get a preemie newborn to sleep when they are obviously awake in the middle of the night.. well, here’s my plan

Adventures in Late Night Parenting from Gavin Richardson on Vimeo.