Brooks’ BFF

Brooks' BFFthis is Aidan, he’s about 24 hours younger than me, but he’s much bigger than me. we met at the hospital on our 2nd or 3rd day. we go to church together & our mommy’s say we are bff’s. not sure what that means, but apparently it is a good thing.



views from a Family Night!

Richardson Family Unit
from Gavin Richardson on Vimeo.

We, my brother & I, have had this little tradition going on for a number of years that we call “Family Night.” It used to be us going out to eat with Davey (our then roommate) to watch a wrestling pay-per-view or football game. Well, Family Night continues, but not always for a wrestling match. But as you can see from this little video capture, who needs the wrestling to have a good time.

Adventures in Late Night Parenting

So me & the boy are up late.. How does one get a preemie newborn to sleep when they are obviously awake in the middle of the night.. well, here’s my plan

Adventures in Late Night Parenting from Gavin Richardson on Vimeo.

Tummy Time!

Brooks might be a 6 week preemie, but he’s on the fast track to the ivy leagues! Or a stellar state school like the University of Alabama or University of South Carolina. Here’s some of his brilliance & agitation from “tummy time.”

Brooks doing a little Tummy Time from Gavin Richardson on Vimeo.

Brooks 1st Day

This is a little gem of a video that we caught of Brooks waking up towards the end of his first day of life. I try to narrate for the viewer what he’s thinking.

Brooks thinking from Gavin Richardson on Vimeo.

Brooks Foster’s Birthday Bash

Early Sunday morning we were greeted with news that Brooks was going to make a surprise visit some 6 weeks prior to his due date. Here’s a little video compilation of his first birthday party.

Brooks Foster Richardson Birthday from Gavin Richardson on Vimeo.

Note: We didn’t plan on having so many people at the hospital with us, but it just so happened that almost all my family was in Birmingham for a baby shower for us the day before. So they just drove on up and continued the party.

Richardson Family Reunion 2008

Every fall, the first Sunday of November the Richardson family gathers in Banks Alabama for our annual family reunion. Its generally a weekend deal for us. We go to Birmingham, meet up with the siblings & parental units, then head down Banks on Saturday for the ‘fish fry’ then gathering on Sunday morning.

Here’s some of the photos from our Richardson Family Reunion in 2008

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Albuquerque Trip

This week we took a trip to Albuquerque, New Mexico. It’s the first time we have been out here & we used the excuse of me coming out here to speak a few times at this conference to justify it. It’s been fun, a whole lot colder than we imagined. Who knew that New Mexico has this altitude thing going on. We took in some of the local fair, a trip to Santa Fe, a winery, and tram ride up to the top of the dominating peak.

Here is a slideshow of our photos from the experience.