Brooks meets Santa

Brooks meets Santa

today we took Brooks over to Rock Castle for a little meet up with Santa. he seemed rather disinterested in this person wearing red. he did however seem quite interested in a team of people wearing crimson red later in the afternoon.

more photos in our december photo set

Photos of the Weeks

its been a few weeks since we dropped any updates. we have some videos in the hopper that we need to post up. before that. i figured we’d share some photos of the weeks.

Brooks Visits the Pumpkin Patch

Brooks Doesn’t Like His Halloween Costume Apparently

1 of our Miriam’s Promise Golf Teams plays with Johnny Majors

l-r Frank Coulter, Jordan Hollinshead, Johnny Majors, Brian Coulter, Bruce Teal

Brooks 1 Month Birthday Photo Session

So a few weeks back we had our friend Anna come over to take photos of the boy.

I put together this little video of behind the scenes footage of Brooks moody model.

Brooks 1 Month B’day Photo Session from Gavin Richardson on Vimeo.

Here’s a slideshow of some of his photos.

Richardson Family Reunion 2008

Every fall, the first Sunday of November the Richardson family gathers in Banks Alabama for our annual family reunion. Its generally a weekend deal for us. We go to Birmingham, meet up with the siblings & parental units, then head down Banks on Saturday for the ‘fish fry’ then gathering on Sunday morning.

Here’s some of the photos from our Richardson Family Reunion in 2008

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